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New World: Nick Smith Book one (Nick Smith Series 1)

  Nick Smith

  Book one

  New World

  By Stephen Birch

  Text copyright © Stephen Birch 2013

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is dedicated to my wife Beverley.

  Table of contents

  Nick Smith

  Book one

  New World

  Chapter one

  Chapter two

  Chapter three

  Chapter four

  Chapter five

  Chapter six

  Chapter seven

  Chapter eight

  Chapter nine

  Chapter ten

  Chapter eleven

  Chapter twelve

  Chapter thirteen

  Chapter fourteen

  Chapter fifteen

  Chapter sixteen

  Chapter seventeen

  Chapter eighteen

  Chapter nineteen

  Chapter twenty

  Chapter twenty one

  Chapter twenty two

  Chapter twenty three

  Chapter twenty four

  Chapter twenty five

  Chapter twenty six

  Chapter twenty seven

  Chapter twenty eight

  Chapter twenty nine

  Chapter one

  The boy cried out as he was pushed over backwards. He then curled up tight as he hit the hot dusty road. His arms came up quickly in an attempt to protect his head and face as the three men began to kick him.

  Nick watched from just inside the treeline and he shook his head slowly. The sound of the men laughing drifted over to him, causing him to frown. The treeline where he stood ran down the side of the M3 Motorway and he had been watching the scene for a little while now, silent and unmoving. He’d heard the disturbance while checking his traps in the wooded area behind him. He watched for a few more seconds, still undecided, then he took a good look around to see if there was anyone else about before stepping into view. The sun was hot on his head after the cool shade of the woods.

  ‘Hey!’ he suddenly said. He didn’t speak loudly but his voice carried easily over to the men. There was hardly any need to shout in this new quiet world. He stood for a few more seconds in the hot sun then he shook his head again. The three men had stopped kicking the boy and they were all now looking at him. He knew this would not end well but it was too late now. They had seen him and there would be violence. He stepped over the crash barrier and began to walk slowly and steadily towards them. He remained relaxed and calm.

  His mind slipped back to the last time he had tried to help someone. It had been night and he had been out looking for food in one of the towns. He had walked around a corner to see three men holding down a young woman. A fourth man had been on top of her. Without thinking he had shouted at the men and then he had ran at them.

  That was a couple of months ago now. Just after the end of the pandemic and there had been a lot of crazy shit going on. Rotting corpses were everywhere and the people who were left alive were fighting over what remained of civilisation. Up until that moment Nick had kept mostly to himself, leaving the people to it. He wasn’t into the saving of the world game. He had given up on the world a long time before it had given up on him. His conscience had kicked in hard though. It wouldn’t let him just ignore a girl being raped. His instincts had kicked in as well, but he had made a fatal error that night. By just rushing in like that he had caused the men to panic. The man on top of the woman had slit her throat while the others had quickly turned on him. The men had obviously not had Nick’s training so they hadn’t really stood much of a chance. The woman was still dead at the end of it though.

  After that incident he had moved back out of the towns and he had resolved to stay completely away from people. He had not tried to help anyone else since.

  ‘Who the fuck, are you?’ one of the men shouted over at him, moving away from the boy. Nick winced as the shout echoed around the silent Motorway.

  ‘Hey stay cool,’ he said calmly, wondering if anyone else had heard the shout. He was quite close to them now, still walking slowly. He started to smile.

  ‘You just fucking stop!’ The man held out his hands aggressively. ‘Stay right where you are dick brain!’ the man then took a step closer towards him.

  Nick carried on smiling. The fool had told him to stay back but he had then moved closer himself. He was almost in range now.

  ‘Ok.’ Nick said quietly. He stopped and tilted his head slightly. ‘That’s no problem.’ He was still wearing the same smile, standing completely still now. His hands hanging loosely by his sides. He was about five feet away from the tough looking blonde haired man. ‘I’m just out for a walk on this nice sunny day. What are you lot up to then?’ He casually pointed over to where the others were still standing around the boy.

  ‘What the fucks it got to do with you soldier boy?’ the fool asked him nastily.

  His two friends laughed at that. Nick was wearing a green shirt, his army type combat trousers and his well-worn boots. On a leather belt around his waist he also carried a green pouch and three knives in brown leather sheaths.

  ‘Well thinking about it, I suppose that it actually has nothing to do with me,’ Nick answered the fool.

  ‘Yeah!’ The man was silent for a few seconds. He was obviously confused by the answer. Then he suddenly shouted, ‘so why don’t you just fuck off then?’

  Still smiling the same calm smile Nick glanced over at the boy. He could see he was watching him along with the other men. There was a pleading look of hope on the boy’s young face now. Nick glanced at the two men standing over him. He could see nothing that he needed to worry about in them, but he wondered if he could get them away from the boy somehow.

  The one standing in front of him doing all the talking actually looked like he might be able to handle himself a bit. He wasn’t all that big. Nick could see that he was actually about the same height and build as he was himself, but he had a lean, hard look about him. Nick thought that he could possibly be ex-Army.

  Suddenly one of the other men. The tall skinny one spoke up. ‘Just fucking have him Jim! The fucking wanker. Look at him, all dressed up in his army clothes.’

  ‘Shut the fuck up!’ Jim shouted back. ‘I’m dealing with it.’ He took another step closer to Nick as if to emphasise his point.

  Nearly there, Nick thought. He could just do with a distraction now. He glanced over at the other two men again. They didn’t have any weapons out, and they didn’t seem at all worried. Nick knew that they were just waiting for Jim to take him down. Don’t rate my chances much do you boys? Nick thought as he carried on smiling. People did seem to underestimate him quite a lot, but that could work to your advantage in a fight. He didn’t think that he’d be able to get them to move away from the boy though. The best he could hope for was to get their attention so that the boy could get away from them. He hoped the boy would be ready when he made his move.

  ‘I’m sorry Jim. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble for you with your men,’ Nick said, taking a step forward. He held his hand out. ‘Here, let’s shake on it.’

  Jim’s civilisation reflex caused him to respond automatically to the gesture and his right hand came up a little way. Jim then glanced down at it for a split second. As if his hand as if it had betrayed him. It was just what Nick had been waiting for. He took a quick step forward and just as Jim’s head came back up he rammed his stiffened fingers into Jim’s throat. Jim stumbled backwards gasping, suddenly unable to breath and Nick stamped his booted foot down hard onto his leading knee. There was a loud crack as Jim’s knee snapped backwar
ds. His leg gave way and he screamed as he fell to the ground. Nick then stepped back away from Jim and moved into a fighting stance facing the two other men. He quickly noticed that the boy was still lying curled up on the ground and he shook his head. It wasn’t a problem though because the other two men were kicking up dust as they legged it off down the hot dry road.

  ‘You can get up now boy,’ Nick said over his shoulder while he studied Jim. The man had stopped screaming. He was just lying on his back now on the hot tarmac of the road, glaring at him. Sweat was streaming down his face as he attempted to control the agony of his broken knee. ‘Well what are we going to do with you now then Jim? Your friends seem to have left you.’

  ‘Fuck off you bastard,’ Jim hissed at him through gritted teeth.

  ‘That’s a bloody good idea Jim,’ Nick said. ‘I think I will do just that. You have a nice life mate.’ He then turned to the boy who was now standing on shaky legs. His baggy blue jeans and t-shirt were nearly as filthy as his hair and scratched face. ‘You should be a bit more choosey about who you hang around with buddy,’ Nick told him, then he asked, ‘are you ok?’

  ‘Yeah I’m ok thanks. Thanks for saving me. I thought they were going to kill me.’

  ‘Bit of advice for you.’ Nick leant towards him a little. ‘Be a bit more bloody careful.’ He stood up straight again. ‘Right! I’m off.’ He then turned and started to walk away briskly.

  He had just made it to the edge of the woods when he heard the boy call out to him. ‘Hey mister!’

  Nick sighed and turned around. Jim was still on the road where he had left him. He knew that he wouldn’t be going anywhere at all unless his friends came back. The dishevelled boy was just standing there in the hot sun, looking like he was lost.

  ‘I’m lost!’ the boy confirmed Nick’s thought.

  Nick sighed again, shook his head and then sat down in the long dry grass of the verge. If they didn’t get away from here soon Jim’s friends might just come back. They also might just come back with a few more of Jim’s friends. He beckoned the boy to come over with a wave of his hand and then he sat there watching carefully as the boy walked over to him. He was now carrying a small grey rucksack. It was dangling from his hand by one of the straps. He came over and plonked himself down a little way from Nick.

  Nick sighed again then asked, ‘where are you going then?’

  ‘I don’t really know.’ The boy started to pick at a scab on his arm.

  ‘Leave that alone. It will get infected.’

  ‘Sorry.’ The boy dropped his hands down onto his dirty jeans.

  ‘You can’t be lost if you don’t know where you’re going.’ Nick was still watching the road carefully for any sign of Jim’s friends coming back.

  ‘But I don’t know where I am.’

  ‘Oh yeah.’ Nick nodded. ‘Smart answer.’ He studied the boy. He was about five seven. Almost as tall as Nick was himself, but he had that skinny adolescent look. Nick guessed his age at around fifteen, maybe sixteen. ‘You’re on the M3 not far from the motorway services.’ The boy just looked back at him confused. Nick smiled. ‘That didn’t mean much to you much did it?

  The boy shook his head sadly. ‘No.’

  Nick studied him again for another second then he said, ‘we have to get away from the road.’ He pointed over at Jim, who was now wailing and shouting for help. He was also trying to stand up and failing at it badly. ‘Just in case anyone feels like coming back for him.’

  ‘Oh yeah.’

  ‘Come on.’ Nick stood up and walked into the shade of the woods. The boy climbed to his feet and followed after him.

  ‘Was you in the army?’

  Nick ignored the question and asked one of his own instead. ‘Did you know those people before they started beating you up? Were you with them?’ He wanted to get away from the road. Back into the deeper part of the woods. Those men might be with a larger group. He strode on ahead, setting a fast pace.

  The boy followed behind, panting. He was finding it hard to keep up now. ‘No! They just came out of nowhere,’ he wheezed. ‘I was just walking down the road and they were hiding behind a car. They jumped out and started pushing me around. Was you in the army then?’ The boy stopped to lean on a tree. He bent over and tried to get his breath back.

  Nick sighed yet again then stopped and turned around to face him. ‘Stand up straight boy. Take deep slow breaths. Stop panting like a dog.’

  ‘Could we stop here for a bit please? I’m really tired and my whole body hurts.’

  ‘I said stand up straight boy!’ Nick told him again. ‘Give your lungs a chance to work. That’s better. Now breathe slowly.’ He walked back towards the boy. ‘How long have you been on your own?’

  ‘Since my mum and dad died.’ The boy looked down at the ground.

  ‘Ok.’ Nick realised that the boy was on the verge of crying. ‘We’ll sit here for a bit.’ He lowered himself down onto a fallen tree trunk, wincing slightly at the nagging ache in his lower back.

  The boy sank to the ground right where he was and leant his back against the tree. ‘Thanks. I’m really tired.’ The boy looked up at him. ‘What about you? How long have you been on your own?’

  Nick rubbed at the dull ache in his lower back and looked at the boy while he thought about the past.

  ‘Some time now boy,’ he finally answered. ‘Did your parents die of the flu?’

  ‘Yeah, I don’t really know how long ago that was now though. It’s hard to keep counting the days.’

  ‘You’re right about that,’ Nick agreed. ‘But it’s been about two months since the pandemic.’

  ‘Two months?’ The boy looked surprised.

  ‘Yep, that was back in May. It’s July now. You’re lucky to have survived this long on your own. Have you seen many people? Alive that is?’ he asked, looking at the boy’s long dirty blonde hair.

  ‘No. Not many and I always hide when I see someone.’

  ‘Well you were right to do that boy. That’s probably why you’re still alive.’

  ‘Is that what you do to?’

  ‘Most of the time yeah,’ Nick answered him thoughtfully.

  ‘I thought it might be different in other places.’

  ‘Trust me, it’s not.’

  ‘It might be somewhere,’ the boy said hopefully.

  Nick sighed. He really didn’t know what to do about the boy now. When he had heard the commotion from the woods earlier he had just thought to go and watch in case anyone decided to come his way. But the sight of the three grown men bullying the boy had been a bit too much to ignore. What to do with him now though? He thought.

  The boy let himself slump even further down onto the ground and closed his eyes. He was exhausted. He thought about what the man had just done. He had taken on three men and he had won easily. He had seen plenty of people fighting all over the place since the flu but he had never seen anyone who had done it like that. It was like in the films. He remembered how fast the man had moved. He opened his eyes again to look at him. The man had short hair and stubble on his face. He was not very big. Sitting there on the log he looked very tired now. He also kept rubbing his back.

  Nick noticed the boy studying him and he suddenly made a decision. He quickly sat up straight and said, ‘Ok boy I’m going to have to leave you now.’

  ‘But why?’ the boy asked, his face suddenly crumpling.

  ‘Because I really don’t know what to do with you,’ Nick stood up. ‘You’re not my problem. There are so many people like you out there and I can’t go around looking after them all. I’ve helped you and I’ve got you away from any more trouble. That’s the end of it ok. So I’m off now.’

  The boy stood up too. ‘So what shall I do now then?’

  ‘You can do whatever you want,’ Nick replied, turning away. He had saved the boy from that gang but he had made his mind up that it was as much as he was going to do.

  ‘But I don’t know how to get anywhere.

  ‘Head sou
th,’ he said turning back. ‘You just calm down and listen to me ok. The services are that way.’ He pointed. ‘You’ll probably find a map there.’

  ‘Hey please!’ the boy cried out. ‘Please let me come with you.’ He started pulling at the bottom of his ragged t- shirt in distress.

  ‘No!’ Nick told him firmly.

  ‘But why not? I’ll be good. I won’t cause you any trouble.

  Nick moved closer to the boy and then said very quietly, ‘I don’t want you to come with me. I don’t know what to do with you.’

  ‘But that’s not fair!’ The boy shouted the words out, tears filling his eyes. ‘Please. Let me come with you.’ He was very close to falling apart now. After the long weeks of being afraid, of being hungry and thirsty he was just about finished.

  ‘What’s fair?’ Nick asked, still quietly, backing away. ‘Fair doesn’t really work anymore. If it ever did. You’d better get used to it. Get clever. Get a map. Get yourself some kit and hide out. Avoid people. All people.’ Nick turned and spoke over his shoulder as he started to walk away. ‘I’m sorry but it’s time for me to go now. You take care and remember what I said boy.’

  ‘My name’s Daniel.’ the boy called after him. ‘My friends call me Dan.’

  Nick didn’t stop walking. ‘Bye Daniel,’ he said quietly.

  Chapter two

  As usual, Nick had searched the area carefully for a good site before setting up his camp. He had found a good spot at the base of a small hill in a wooded area not far from the M3 motorway. It was about a mile in from the road and about the same distance away from the services. There was also a small stream nearby and a housing estate a couple of miles away. He had been there to forage once during his stay here, but he had decided it would be best to avoid the houses for a little while now and let the flies finish their work.

  Nick had been living wild like this for over four years. A long time before the change had occurred. In all that time he had sought out the wild places in England and he had lived off the land. Hunting and trapping, fishing and gathering edible plants. At times he had gone without seeing another person for months. Living off the land was hard though. The winters were extremely tough, and he’d gone cold and hungry more times than he had liked. So he had slowly migrated back towards the towns and the cities. He had found that he could still keep his way of life by seeking out these small wild areas. Woods by the side of motorways were always good places to make his camps. Not many people even realised that they were there. He never stayed in one place too long and if anyone noticed him he would just move on. He found that he could easily disappear and then camp out once again within walking distance of useful areas. That had suited his survival lifestyle before the change as much as it did now.